Monday, March 7, 2022

Katie Meyer's "Suicide" may actually be the direct result of Stanford College not providing a competent legal advocate to Katie Meyers regarding an upcoming disciplinary hearing.

Successful Athlete, Role Model, approaching graduation and a possible future in Professional Women's Soccer, Katie Meyers Suicide may may have been caused by the College Nanny Brigade repeatedly harassing Ms. Meyers for an alleged college infraction while possibly not providing Ms. Meyers with a competent legal advocate. 
The same Nanny mentality that seems to pervade the pseudo intellectual world of College and those who administer College protocol, may be responsible for Katie Myers suicide.

Now is not the time to imply Katie Holmes needed mental counseling. Katie Meyers required competent legal representation provided for by the same college that was charging her with some type of infraction serious enough that the college was preparing a disciplinary hearing that may have caused her to commit suicide when they sent her one or more letters about her upcoming hearing.

Now is the time for protesting the cruel mistreatment Katie Holmes received from college protocol that apparently felt it was ok to send a menacing letter or letters to Ms. Holmes about a future college hearing without providing her with the proper legal representation to help guide her through the process. Ms. Holmes may have been treated worse than if she had committed a serious crime against another person when one considers Ms. Holmes was most likely not assigned a legal advocate. The lack of competent free legal representation that should have been provided for by the college may be the very reason Ms. Holmes committed suicide. 

Not only can a prestigious college financially bleed some of their student's families dry with no guarantee their son or daughter will have a successful career, apparently a college can isolate a student while preparing that student for some type of "trial" that may not have supplied basic safeguards guaranteed to the common criminal, a public defender to represent the accused.

I plead for the Holmes family to seek out answers as to why Katie Holmes may have bore the entire weight of a future disciplinary trial without the college also offering a competent legal advocate to ensure she was mentally, legally and publicly protected by the same nanny brigade that constantly tries to guilt the world into bowing at the feet of the educated and scientific communities.

The mere insinuation that Katie Holmes should have gotten mental health assistance may be nothing more than a method for covering up what could be the College's pretentious method of disciplining students without free, fair and competent legal representation to interpret the letters the college sends out to vulnerable college students.

Los Angeles Emmy winning Producer Alessandro Machi combines his editing, camera and observational skills to provide unique insights into the World of Sports.

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